Monday evening Plymouth Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson received approval from the Board of Public Works and Safety to sell four vehicles.

Davidson said he has four vehicles that they haven’t used in 7 years.  He told the board he’s spending a substantial amount of money maintaining them so they run and he wants to try and sell them.

The Utility Superintendent said he has an ag truck that they used to knife in solids from the treatment plant, a tanker that was used by the Plymouth Fire Department, an older GMC tanker, and a 1994 Econoline truck. 

Davidson received permission to try an online auction service called Kraft Auction Services although before the vehicles are posted on the auction site the city will offer them to the public for 15 days.   

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said this type of sale is authorized under the Indiana State Code.

Councilman Jeff Houin asked if the city needed to declare the property as surplus and Surrisi said they should in the motion to approve the sale process.

Davidson said he has put a $1,000 retainer on each vehicle.

The Board of Public Works and Safety unanimously approved the request to sell the vehicles.