Attorney General Todd Rokita said today all parties involved in the Delphi murder trial must work together to ensure the pursuit of justice stays on track.

Abigail Williams, 13, and Liberty German, 14, were slain in 2017. Police arrested a suspect in 2022.

“These families deserve justice and closure for these heinous, heartbreaking murders,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Abby and Libby deserve justice. If this matter ever comes to the appellate court system, we will take immediate action, as we do in all our other cases, to see that the rule of law is upheld.” 

Attorney General Rokita submitted a brief to the Indiana Supreme Court this week aimed at helping clarify legal issues in this case.

“We are simply advising the court on our understanding of the law, case law in particular, and seeking to assist the court in adjudicating a writ before it,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Our office respects the authority and integrity of all legal and law-enforcement professionals involved in this case. Ultimately, our main interest is ensuring the proper and fair administration of justic