The Marshall County Commissioners were updated on the Mill Pond Dam at their recent meeting by Highway Superintendent Jason Peters. 

Peters said the dam inspection was completed by DLZ and he recently had a meeting with them.  He said the good news is that the condition of the dam hasn’t changed significantly since the last inspection in 2015, but it was deemed in poor condition then and it still is.    

Some of the work can be completed by County Highway employees and some can be subbed out.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said he attended a meeting with DLZ on the dam on Rose Road between Lake Latonka and Mill Pond.  He said there are some trees that need to be cut and since they aren’t in the water the county doesn’t need a permit to cut them.  Any work that touches the water will require a permit from the DNR. 

Overmyer said the pipe that goes under Rose Road is in bad shape.  The recommendation from DLZ was to sleeve the pipe as the county did at Lake of the Woods.

There is a fence that will have to be moved for work to happen. While the fence appears to be on private property owned by George Myers, it will be in the way of the construction project. The county will be working with Mike Maddox from the Lake Latonka Homeowners Association on the fence issue.    

It appears the cost of the work will be on the County.