On Monday, November 13th the Plymouth Common Council heard on the first reading an amendment to the City Code regarding the Plymouth Community Ambulance Service. 

Recently, the city administration, in consultation with the city’s medical billing consultant, the AccuMed Group, conducted a review of the rates and charges assessed for the work of the Plymouth Ambulance service.  The rates and charges were last adjusted in 2020.  City Attorney Sean Surrisi said, “At this time, it is necessary to raise the rates and charges in order to better reflect the actual cost of providing ambulance services to the community.”

The cost for Basic Life Support Refusal to Transport remained the same at $150 for city residents and $200 for non-residents. 

Basic Life Support ambulance service is proposed at $600 and $19 per loaded mile for city residents and $700 and $19 per loaded mile for non-residents.  The prior cost was $450 and $17 for city residents and $550 and $17 for non-residents. 

Advance Life Support will increase by $150 for both residents and non, to $700 and $850 with the per loaded mile staying consistent at $19, which is a $2 increase from the previous ordinance.

Advanced Life Support II also increased $150 from $850 to $1,000 for residents and from $950 to $1,200 for non-residents.      

The charge to other ambulance services for paramedic assistance on an ambulance run remained the same at $225 for Advanced Life Support and $275 for Advanced Life Support II. 

The council will consider the ordinance amendment on the second and third reading during their next meeting on Monday, November 27th with anticipation that it will go into effect for 2024.