This week the Marshall County Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Community Corrections Advisory Board to appoint a new Director and accept the 2024 Indiana Department of Corrections Grant for Community Corrections.

Judge Dean Colvin serves as president of the Advisory Board and met with the Commissioners on Monday.  He told them the grant pays for the operating expenses of the Community Corrections program.  He explained that this program allows the county to conduct home detention programs and provides relief to the county jail by offering alternative sentencing for inmates. 

The Marshall County Commissioners unanimously approved the acceptance of the grant in the amount of $489,766.

The second request Judge Colvin presented to the commissioners was the recommendation of the Advisory Board to hire a new director replacing Ward Byers who resigned in July.

Colvin told the commissioners, “The board conducted an exhaustive search for an individual candidate to fill the vacancy of the Community Corrections Director’s position.  We had several applications for it, some within the department and many from outside the department.  One of the things I want to bring to your attention through the interview process conducted by an executive committee of the board is the quality of the individuals that we have within the Marshall County Community Corrections Program and the services that they provide to the citizens of Marshall County in order to ensure public service through the alternative program sentencing that the court utilizes through Community Corrections.”  He went on to say, “We have some individuals within the Community Corrections Program that do exemplary work in order to provide that public service.”

Through the interview process, they pared down the number to 6 final candidates that the board interviewed.  The judge said they had 3 or 4 candidates who were considered primary and after an extended time period of deliberation, the executive committee made the unanimous recommendation to hire Andrew “Beau” Holcomb.  

Holcomb has been with Marshall County since September 2001 in the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department.  He currently serves as the Head Jailer.

Commissioner President Stan Klotz asked Mr. Holcomb to comment, and he said, “I would like to thank the committee and advisory board for giving me an opportunity. I look forward to the challenge if approved by the Commissioners. I look forward to meeting the team and building a connection with them and getting to work.”

The Marshall County Commissioners were fully supportive of the hiring of Andrew Holcomb as the new Director of Marshall County Community Corrections.  His official start date will be November 27, which is the beginning of a new pay period.