Monday evening members of the Plymouth Common Council ratified Mayor Mark Senter’s signing of tax abatement compliance forms for four companies.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said the additional compliance forms (CF-1s) were presented in the city office between the council last meeting on May 8th and state’s mandatory deadline of May 15th.

Those companies included Complexus Medical for both real and personal property tax abatements, Bomarko for real and personal property tax abatements, LA Poly for a personal property tax abatement and CAC Holdings for a real property tax abatement.

The city council also unanimously approved a resolution approving a transfer in the Motor Vehicle Highway budget for Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt.   

Marquardt plans to replace the two 27-year-old leaf machines with two new ones that are safer to operate and easier on the employees.  The new machines allow the employee to ride on the back and operate a joystick rather than walking along and man-handle the vacuum apparatus. 

Marquardt asked to transfer $28,000 from the supplies and materials line item to the equipment line.  He told the Common Council he has a shed full of salt, so he won’t have to spend his entire budgeted amount preparing for winter.  He told them he is also trading in a couple of snow plows and spreader boxes along with the leaf machines to cover the cost.  The council approved his request. 

It was commented that the new leaf machines probably won’t arrive in time for this season. 

Councilman Robert Listenberger asked about the third leaf machine the city has.  He was thinking the Park Department might be able to acquire it. 

Marquardt said its 24-years-old and will be used as a backup. He explained that it fits on the city’s big dump trucks and not on a pick up truck.  Marquardt said they try to assist the park department during leaf season as time allows.