25G District Governor, Brian Thomas, was the guest speaker at the last meeting of the Plymouth Lions Club.  This is the District Governor’s second term as Governor having first served in the Covid shortened year of 2020-21.
DG Brian was introduced to Lions when Dads were Lions, Moms were Lionesses, and the children were Cubs.  He is a lifelong resident of Elkhart and has held every local position, including three terms as Elkhart President.  He is a Melvin Jones Fello and a William P Woods recipient.  He has been the chairman of the signature “Flags from the Heart” project for 14 years.  His message for the evening was all about Membership.  The District Motto is “Making our lives better by making other lives better.”  The more people we have in our membership, the more help we can give to others in our community. 

Last month’s guest, Brenna Blosser, representing the BPA (Business Professionals of America) Club at Plymouth High School, also spoke at the meeting once again.  Brenna competed at regional and state competitions and qualified in both her events to attend the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California.  She placed 12th in the nation in her event.  She was congratulated by all members for her outstanding performance.  There are 45,000 total members in the BPA and more than 5000 were at the National Leadership Conference.  Placing 12th was quite an accomplishment for the Plymouth High School student
The Plymouth Lions Scholarship winners have now been awarded.  The Ken Lukenbill Memorial Lions Club Scholarship in the amount of 1000 dollars was awarded to Morgan Langfeldt, and the two Plymouth Lions Club Scholarships in the amount of 1000 dollars each were awarded to Paige Feece and Timothy Wakeland.  All three and their families are invited to the Plymouth Lions Club annual picnic at their Park Pavilion in June.
Club President, Stephen Eggleston, announced to the Club the great results of their two fundraisers in May.  He thanked not only the members for their hard work but also the entire community for helping to make them so successful.  It is fundraisers like this that allow the Club to award scholarships and provide other assistance through various community projects.  Again, As Lions “We Serve.”  If you or anyone you know would like to join the Plymouth Lions Club, please contact any Lions Club member, or send your request to P.O. Box 186 Plymouth, IN 46563.