In a recent release, Senator Mike Bohacek commented on May being Mental Health Awareness Month, and it is important for all of us to know what resources are available to Hoosiers in a time of crisis.

He listed information for the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline that is available by dialing 9-8-8.  This is where a caller can speak with a trained crisis specialist. 

Also BeWellIndiana is a free resource to call if an individual is feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or alone. Just simply call 2-1-1 to be connected to a crisis counselor.

Senator Bohacek said, “In addition, we passed a new state budget this session that allocates an additional $170 million for mental health resources. Part of that funding will go toward a Senate Republican priority to lay the groundwork for expansion in the number of certified community behavioral health clinics throughout Indiana.” 

The Senator continued, “We also passed a law that allows law enforcement to transport individuals suffering from a mental health crisis, or temporary impairment from drugs or alcohol, to the nearest facility providing mental health treatment. The law also states that non-violent offenders could be eligible to take part in a voluntary mental health treatment program instead of jail as a condition of their pretrial release.”

Bohacek said, “Mental health issues continue to be a growing concern throughout our nation, but I am hopeful the work we accomplished this session will be a strong step forward in ensuring folks who suffer from mental illness can get the help they need.”