Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel was granted approval to apply for the Comprehensive Highway Injury Reduction Program (CHIRP) Grant by the County Council and Commissioners.

Last Thursday Sheriff Hassel told the council he just received the information to apply for the grant on Wednesday and it is due June 9th.  He explained that this program used to be called Operation Pull Over and the DUI Task Force.  Hassel said the whole idea of the grant is to reduce injuries and highway accidents. 

Councilwoman Nicole Cox made the motion to approve the sheriff’s request and it was seconded by Councilman Adam Faulstich.  The vote was 5 to 1 with Council President Jesse Bohannon voting no and saying, “I’m going to stay consistent on this and say I don’t like sobriety checkpoints.” 

The Commissioners heard the same request from Sheriff Hassel on Monday.  He said the county has participated in this program for several years. 

When asked by Commissioner Stan Klotz if there was a dollar amount for the grant Sheriff Hassel said, “No, usually it’s competition with how many other departments put in, and then they decide how much grant money you get.” 

The commissioners unanimously approved applying for the CHIRP Grant.