The Marshall County Commissioners will meet Monday morning at 9:30 in the second-floor meeting room of the County Building. 

With a lengthy agenda, the commissioners will receive an update from Highway Superintendent Jason Peters. 

County Plan Director Ty Adley will present the request of David & Janice Wilma to create a two-lot minor subdivision at 12095 Queen Road in West Township.  The commissioners will also consider amendments to the Marshall County Permit Fee Ordinance as recommended by the Plan Commission. 

The commissioners are expected to appoint Cheir Kilgore to the Bourbon Public Library Board and they will receive an update from Marshall-Starke Development Corporation on the security system improvements using APRA Funds. 

Leah Thill from MACOG will present an opportunity to apply for a U.S. DOT Charging & Fueling Infrastructure grant and County Recorder Janet Howard will present the commissioners with an agreement to purchase a copier from Adams Remco. 

The Commissioners will also hear from H.R. Director Jennifer Daake, County Attorney Jim Clevenger, County Auditor Angie Birchmeier, and any comments from the public.  The commissioners will also consider a resolution concerning the U.S. 31 Railroad Overpass. 

The County Commissioners’ meeting is open to the public and available online from the county’s website at