State Rep. Jack Jordan (R-Bremen) recently welcomed local students to the Statehouse where they participated in the Indiana House Page Program during the 2023 legislative session.

As pages, the students assisted lawmakers and staff with daily duties, toured offices of all branches of government in the Statehouse, and joined Jordan on the House floor to witness and learn about the legislative process.

“Paging with the Indiana House of Representatives is a great opportunity for young Hoosiers to learn more about their state government and see democracy in action,” Jordan said. “I enjoyed meeting these bright students and encourage others to join me at the Statehouse next session.”

Home-schooled students Noah and Reese Palmateer of Walkerton, and AddyGrant and Sadie Wadkins of Bourbon served as pages during the 2023 legislative session.

Jordan said students ages 13 to 18 should consider participating during the 2024 legislative session.

Hoosiers can visit or call 1-800-382-9841 to learn more.