The City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings today at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety and at 6:30 p.m. with the Common Council.

The Board of Public Works and Safety will hear from various city department heads and open bids for the 2023 Street Paving Projects.  The City Attorney will present the renewal of the Water Street Parking Lot space lease with Santiago Taqueria LLC and the board will continue their discussion of the crosswalk request by Barb Holcomb from the Trinity United Methodist Church at South Michigan and Williams Street.

The Common Council will conduct three public hearings during their meeting Monday evening.  The first for additional appropriations, the second for the Tax Abatement request of American Container, and the third for the untimely filing of a Compliance Form for the Tax Abatement of Complexus Medical.   

The council will also consider on the second and third readings an Ordinance regarding legal advertisement fees for the city of Plymouth in the local newspaper.

Under News Business are TIF Compliance Forms for Vigilant Holdings and River Gate South Development LLC. Council members will also consider an ordinance authorizing allowances to city employees and officials for mileage and meals. 

The City Council will also consider a resolution for additional appropriations and a resolution confirming the property of American Containers to be within an Economic Revitalization Area.

The City meetings are open to the public.  Those attending should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor.  The city meetings are also available online.