Last week, members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety heard the request for a crosswalk from Barb Holcomb of the Trinity United Methodist Church at 425 South Michigan Street.

Holcomb said the main entrance to the church is on East Williams Street on the south side of the church.  She said they’ve had a 30% increase in attendance including young families with children.

The church’s parking lot is on the south side of Williams Street and has a couple of basketball courts and an area for children to play.  Holcomb noted at several Girl Scout Troops also meet in the Church.

Holcomb and church members have a concern with children running across the street to get into the church.  They currently have a bright green Child at Plan warning with a flag but felt an actual crosswalk would be safer.

Jim Marquardt, the City’s Street Superintendent said the street was modified in 2019 and created several handicap parking spaces on the south side of Williams Street.  There had been a discussion about the logistics of an ADA crosswalk between the church and the parking lot.

Marquardt showed members of the Board of Public Works and Safety the challenges of installing an ADA-compliant crosswalk with the street parking, raised entrance to the church, and issues with placing a sign for the crosswalk.         

Councilman Jeff Houin suggested the additional review of the request and motioned to table the discussion.  Marquardt will work with the city’s Assistant Engineer, Chris Marshall, and the church to look for a possible solution.