The National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center has the entire state of Indiana remaining in the “Enhanced” Risk Category (3 out of 5) for severe weather today including a high chance for tornadoes. An isolated severe storm or two is possible this morning, as early as 9 AM (EDT).  The greatest chance for severe weather will be between 11 AM and 6 PM.  We remain under a “WIND ADVISORY” until 8 PM tonight.  These storms will be moving through rapidly to the northeast at around 60 mph which will greatly reduce the amount of time you will have to get to a safe location. 

The potential exists for strong tornadoes (EF-2) or greater to occur. Marshall County is included in the area most likely to see tornadoes.  Large hail as large as 2+ inches and damaging winds with gusts 60-70 mph. 

IMPACTS:  There is a significant concern for the potential for loss of life or severe injuries if tornadoes develop in our area. Significant damage to homes and other structures is likely.  Significant damage to trees and utility poles will lead to power outages and debris across roads making travel difficult if not impossible. Hail of 2 inches or greater will cause damage to roofs, siding, and vehicles parked outside.

PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS:  Stay weather-aware today. HAVE MULTIPLE WAYS TO RECEIVE SEVERE WEATHER INFORMATION.  DO NOT RELY ON OUTDOOR WARNING SIRENS. Have a safe location identified and be ready to move quickly as soon as a Tornado Warning is issued. Review your family, school, or business emergency plan, including your communications plan in the event you have to implement it.  Remember emergency response agencies may be overwhelmed if severe weather occurs and may not be able to immediately respond to the volume of calls they will be receiving. 

Last Friday’s severe weather resulted in 20 confirmed tornadoes in Indiana and tragically 5 deaths.

Again, this is likely to be one of the most significant weather events we have had in the last couple of years.  PLEASE TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTIONS TO KEEP YOU, YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS SAFE!