Plymouth Lions Club President Stephen Eggleston introduced Vice District Governor from District 25-G Ron Guth, who discussed the Lions Eye  Bank and Lions Eye Recycling Program at the last meeting of the Club.
Lions are known throughout the world for their work to improve the lives of the visually impaired and prevent avoidable blindness.  LCIF proudly serves their continued efforts by offering unique and impactful initiatives, programs and grants.
Since 1959 VisionFirst Indiana Lions Eye Bank has been dedicated to restoring vision.  Through the generosity and assistance of Lions Clubs around the state, the Ocular Surgery and Assistance Program carries that objective one step farther.
The programs goal is to assist as many Indiana residents as we can who are in great need and require help paying for vision saving surgery.  “Our. Vision is Your Eyesight.”
VDG Guth also discussed the Eyeglass Recycling Program.  Throughout the years there have been Lions sponsored eyeglass missions in Distant 25-G. To support this effort Lions have actually collected, processed and shipped thousands of used eyeglasses to cities and villages in Mexico four hundred miles west of Mexico City.  The districts current base of operations is located at Fairview Grange in Dunlap.
The Eyeglass Collection process begins with hundreds of collection boxes placed throughout the district’s communities.  Lions collect used eyeglasses that begin a journey to recycle and prepare them for a new life when Lions travel to Mexico to give them to many locals who depend on our efforts to improve their lives.
The Plymouth Lions Club is currently in the process of selecting this year’s scholarship winners for Plymouth High School graduating seniors.  This year there will be two Plymouth Lions Club Scholarships and one Ken Lukenbill Memorial Lions Club Scholarship.  In addition the Plymouth Lions Club contributes to the Noble Kizer awards for Outstanding Female and Male Athletes.  We are honored to help each student achieve their goals in higher education.
The Lions Club would also like to invite everyone to their next two fundraisers.  On Saturday, May 6th they will be holding a fundraiser from 11-2 at Centier Bank offering Ralf Smith’s Tenderloin and Fries dinner and on Saturday, May 13th they will be accepting donations in honor of White Cane Day at Walmart.  It is these fundraisers that allow the Club to offer special services and scholarships for the community as they help others have a better life.  As Lions, “We Serve.”
If you or anyone you know would like to join the Plymouth Lions Club, please contact any Lions Club member or send your request to the Plymouth Lions Club at P.O. Box 186 Plymouth, IN 46563.

Provided by Plymouth Lions Club member Susan Egglestion