Center Township precinct committeemen gathered at Republican Headquarters on Water Street in Plymouth Wednesday evening for a caucus to fill a vacancy for the Center Township Advisory Board. 

Republican Chairman Deb VanDeMark said current member, Keith Hammonds has resigned his position effective Marsh 31st to relocate to the Philippines.  She also said there are 8 Center Township precinct committeemen but only 5 attended the caucus. 

There were four candidates vying for the Advisory Board seat were Aaron Wagers, Jeff Nicolet, Doug Kucera, and Eric Anderson.  Each candidate was given three minutes to tell the precinct committeemen why they would be the best person for the position.

In a secret ballot, and with the first vote, a majority was reached.  Doug Kucera was elected to fill the Center Township Advisory Board seat. 

Kucera is very familiar with the Center Township Board.  He served as an advisory board member for a full term of 4-years and part of a second term.  Kucera was also elected to serve as the Center Township Trustee for 15 years.