During the Public Input portion of the Marshall County Council meeting on February 10th Marian University’s Ancilla College Chancellor Joe Heidt discussed the READI grant they had applied for.  The grant would have assisted in a simulation and skills lab at the school to assist the nursing program.

Heidt explained that while they did not receive an award in the first round of READI that in the initial review, the committee eliminated colleges and universities from consideration.   They were instead asked to submit a joint proposal. He said they did that and the new proposal was successful.

The change also reduced the amount of public grant match funds needed from the county. Heidt said, “You might recall we requested a match of $180,000.  That has been adjusted by 95 percent so it’s down to $10,000.”

Initially, the commissioners and council had pledged funds from the American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Last week the council voted unanimously to support the request and will consider an additional appropriation in a future meeting.  Because the matching funds are much less than the initial request the council may determine another funding source than the ARPA funds.