On Monday members of the Marshall County Council approved several Additional Appropriation requests in the General Fund.

The Sheriff was granted a $24,000 additional to replace a vehicle totaled in an accident.

The Marshall County Veterans Service Officer was granted a $5,000 additional for overtime pay to complete the remainder of the year. 

The Board of Zoning Appeals was granted an additional appropriation of $1,500 to cover an increase in per diems for members attending meetings and the County Plan Commission was granted an additional of $250 for fuel costs to complete the rest of the year. 

The County Council also approved an additional in the Project Income Special Fund through County Corrections in the amount of $11,000 to cover the monthly rent in the Community Resource Center for the remainder of the year.  They also appropriated an ARPA Lead Level Reduction Grant for the County Health Department in the $10,257.60.  

The request of Sheriff Hassell to seek an additional appropriation from the LIT Special Purpose Fund for professional services in the amount of $ $53,100 was tabled for clarification.  The additional funding is to pay for the Ritters Service contract to evaluate the communications system, county dispatch, and evaluate training programs.

Councilman Jon VanVactor questioned whether the funding request fit the regulations of expenditures for the Special LIT since it has to do with communications and not jail operations.  He felt the funds should come from the communications fund or General Fund since it specifically states standard Operating Systems for communications.  Councilman Heath Thornton agreed.