Monday evening the Plymouth Common Council considered moving forward with several ordinances. 

City Attorney Sean Surrisi presented an ordinance to redistrict the city following the 2020 census.  The population was determined to be 10,214 which is an increase of 181 individuals within the city limits since the 2010 census. 

The city is divided into 4 districts for the City Council election process.  State law requires the districts to be as equal in population as practical. To divide the city into four, exactly equal council districts would require each district to have 2,553.5 persons.  Since that isn’t possible the boundary lines were slightly altered to make the districts as equally as possible.  In District 1 the population was approved at 2,629 individuals.  District 2 has 2,533 people while District 3 has 2,531 and finally, District 4 has 2,521. 

The city has publicized the changes for several months and Monday evening passed the ordinance on its third and final reading.   

The City Council also passed on second and third reading the ordinance establishing the appropriations and tax rates for 2023.  The adopted budget for next year was listed at $14,727,201.  The adopted tax rate was 2.2869 and the adopted tax levy was approved at $8,429,616.  The budget includes a 4.5% salary increase for city employees.

The Plymouth Common Council also approved the second and third readings of the ordinance establishing the salaries for elected officials for 2023.   Mayor Senter had proposed a 4.5% increase for the City Council members, Clerk-Treasurer, and mayor’s position.   After hearing the ordinance two weeks ago, City Councilman Don Ecker suggested amending the ordinance to “freeze” the salaries of the council members at the 2022 rate but provide an increase for the mayor and clerk.  The city council members unanimously approved the amendment to the ordinance.  They then approved the ordinance on both second and third readings.   The mayor will make $70,634.56 while the Clerk-Treasurer will be at $71,290.65.  The salary for City Council members will be $9,637.49.