As a way to help in the recruitment process of new employees to the Plymouth Police Department and other departments in the city, the Common Council heard on the first reading Monday night an ordinance amendment of the Personnel Policy. 

Human Resources Manager, Jennifer Klingerman said, “Due to the situation going on at the police department and the chief’s dire need to hire an officer who’s wanting to come to the City of Plymouth we are looking into implementing a lateral transfer policy.”  She said new hires could laterally transfer to the city at the department head’s discretion.  This would allow them to bring their sick time, vacation leave, longevity pay, and other similar benefits.

Written approval from the mayor, clerk-treasurer, and department head is required to offer such benefits.

The amendment to the handbook says such benefits may begin on the employee’s date of hire or after completion of the introductory period, however, designated in the written approval. This provision is intended to be used by the city’s leadership when necessary to recruit skilled talent to a given position.  An example of the lateral transfer includes, but is not limited to, a police officer, firefighter, or EMT/paramedic already serving with a department in another jurisdiction.    

There were questions about offering benefits higher or better than what the city currently offers.  Councilman Greg Compton gave an example and said an employee comes from another community and has worked there 5 years and now has 5 weeks of vacation while with the city of Plymouth someone with 5 years would qualify for 2 weeks. He stated that the offer shouldn’t exceed what our current employees are receiving.  Compton asked if that was addressed in the policy amendment.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said, “There is no set metrics or a chart that shows what you got there and what you will get at the city.  It’s all up to negotiation between the employee and the city.” 

Clerk-Treasurer Lynn Gorski said, “I would think that it wouldn’t exceed what we have written in our policy.” H.R Manager Klingerman said it was expected that they wouldn’t exceed the city’s current policy.

The City Council will vote on the ordinance amendment for the second and third readings at their next meeting on September 12th.