Last week Buildings and Grounds Jail Supervisor John Greer presented the Marshall County Commissioners with two estimates for the replacement of water heaters at the jail. This is the second set of estimates because the first time the two weren’t bidding apples to apples.  He said they still are not equal but the estimates are close. 

IDEAL Consolidated, Inc. out of South Bend provided an estimate of $116,961 and Bowman’s Tin Shop of Plymouth provided an estimate of $166,090.51.

This water heater replacement provides hot water to half the pods in the jail. 

Greer said the Ideal estimate is for 2-600,000 BTU units.  The County has asked for 2-400,000 BTU units but they can’t be racked because they don’t offer them with side exhaust.  IDEAL bid on racking them because it will save space. With the addition of three extra 200-gallon storage tanks, the cost is $134,211. That makes the estimate from IDEAL $31,879 cheaper than Bowman’s Tin Shop.   John Greer’s recommendation was IDEAL.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked if they had tanks on hand and John said they would have to be ordered and currently it’s taking 16 weeks.  He said having the extra tanks on hand will make it easier to replace them and still be able to have hot water available in the pods.  Having to wait 16 weeks would not be a good thing for the inmates or the jail staff. 

The replacement project will require roof penetration requiring another exhaust which will cost about $2,500 and $2,500 for electrical work.

Commissioner Klotz asked about a backup system and Greer said this new system has two boilers, so it has its own backup.  He said in the future you won’t have to purchase a new system, only the components for it.    

Commissioner Mike Burroughs moved to approve the low bid of Ideal at $134,211 and it was second by Commissioner Stan Klotz.  Motion carried 3-0.