Members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved two requests during their meeting Monday evening.

Shiloh Milner, a Board of Public Works member and owner of Black Cat Clothier in downtown Plymouth was granted approval to block a few parking spaces on Monday, August 22nd to allow for the replacement of windows in the second-floor apartment. 

Milner said if they use a ladder they will only need 2 spaces but if they bring in a lift they could need as many as 5 spaces.  She also said she has spoken to her neighbors to inform them of the plan.

The Board of Public Works and Safety approved the request. 

The second request was from Page Luva who asked to have the Yield Signs at Grand Avenue and Franklin Street changed to Stop Signs.  She said there are multiple children in the neighborhood that play and ride their bikes on the sidewalk and people don’t properly yield.  Luva said she has almost been hit there.  She also had a second request to have the sidewalk in front of her home on 325 Franklin Street continue to the corner of Grand Avenue. 

Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt said changing the signs from yield to stop signs would be a good thing especially since a lot of people use them for access to the park.  The sidewalk request is a more difficult issue to address, it would be 3 lots and there is a large tree to deal with that is in the way.  He said tying it into the crosswalk across Fairbanks would be difficult.  It’s something they will need to look at further due to the congestion of school traffic from Jefferson School too.   

The Board of Public Works and Safety approved the request to change the yield signs to stop signs and continue to investigate the installation of sidewalks.

The motion was made by Councilman Jeff Houin and unanimously approved by all 5 members of the Board of Public Works and Safety.