The Town of Culver has started the process to update its existing comprehensive plan by putting together the Destination 2040 Culver Comprehensive Plan. This plan will serve as a road map to guide how Culver should grow over the next 5 to 10 years. The premise of this plan is to empower and engage Culver residents to create a vision, address major barriers that hinder growth, and create solutions that offer better choices for where and how people will interact with the Town and its community.

This Plan will not be successful or meaningful unless it reflects the community’s aspirations for Culver’s future! Therefore, it is crucial that we get as many community residents as possible engaged in this process and we need to hear from you! One of the ways you can provide your input is to fill out the Culver 2040 Survey at

“It’s important Culver update our Comprehensive Plan because it creates a long-term vision for our community,” said Culver Town Manager, Ginny Munroe. “We have also been able to use these plans to seek grant dollars to support the goals in the plan. State and federal grants are more readily available to communities that have a plan. Getting input from the people who live here, have a business here, visit here, or work here is important so that our leaders know what people who are invested in Culver envision for our community. We hope people will take the time to do the survey, fill out the postcards we have around town and at public events, and let us know what they want they want us to work on in the future”.

To stay informed of plan updates and receive notifications for future events, follow the Town on Facebook @Town of Culver.

Over the next couple of months, a variety of engagement opportunities that may include facilitating small group discussions and other community events will be taking place in Culver. In addition to the input survey, these will be opportunities for you to voice your opinion and help shape your community! Your participation is very important to the Town and its future. We look forward to seeing you at these events!

Provided by MACOG