Today, Tuesday, August 9th the Indiana House Congressional Delegation introduced a bipartisan resolution honoring the life and legacy of Representative Jackie Walorski (R-IN-02) who tragically died in a car accident on August 3, 2022 alongside her two staffers, Emma Thomson and Zachery Potts. Indiana Senators Todd Young and Mike Braun introduced an identical resolution that passed by unanimous consent on August 6, 2022. 

“Representative Jackie Walorski served the state of Indiana valiantly, fighting each day for the people of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District. Today, I am proud to lead the Indiana House Delegation in introducing a resolution to honor her life and legacy of service to the state of Indiana,” said Dr. Bucshon. 

“Today, I join our Indiana Delegation in honoring one of our own. Hoosiers mourn the loss of a leader known for her kindness, dedicated public service and strong work ethic. We also recognize the service of her two dedicated staffers, Emma Thomson and Zach Potts, who perished in the car accident with Jackie. We stand together to celebrate their generous spirits and their lives of public service,” said Rep. Carson.

“Rep. Walorski was a selfless public servant, a Hoosier leader, and a dear friend. She was one of the kindest and most fearless people I have ever met. Today I joined my colleagues in remembering the life and legacy of Jackie and her two dedicated staffers, Emma and Zach,” said Rep. Banks.

“Jackie honorably served Hoosiers every day, and her dedication to her constituents was unwavering. I’m proud to join my colleagues from the Hoosier State honoring her work on behalf of Indiana’s Second District,” said Rep. Hollingsworth.

“Rep. Walorski was an unrelenting champion for Hoosiers across her district and our state. It was the honor of a lifetime to serve alongside of her, and I’m happy to join my colleagues in honoring our dear friend and her service to the state of Indiana,” said Rep. Baird.

“Congresswoman Jackie Walorski approached all of her endeavors with a servant’s heart, and always had helping Hoosiers at the top of her mind. The Congresswoman worked tirelessly on behalf of the Community and Country she loved, and touched the lives of so many in her work in the Nation’s Capitol. While it is with a heavy heart my Indiana Colleagues and I bring forth this resolution, we must keep Jackie’s memory alive in honoring her accomplishments and life’s work,” said Rep. Pence.

“Proud to join with my Indiana colleagues to honor Rep. Jackie Walorski.  I am grateful for our all too brief shared time together in the U.S. House of Representatives and appreciate her consistent friendship, example of public service, and openness to conversation,” said Rep. Mrvan.

“Jackie Walorski was a friend and relentless fighter for all Hoosiers,” said Rep. Spartz. “I am grateful to Dr. Bucshon and the rest of the Indiana delegation for coming together to honor Jackie’s legacy in this way.”