Purdue Extension Marshall County is offering a lawn maintenance program over the lunch hour.  It will be held on Thursday, June 23, and Thursday, June 30 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. 

The first session will focus on lawn care basics to improve and maintain a yard. Proper fertilization and mowing are two examples of tasks done properly that can greatly improve lawn quality and reduce pest issues.

The second session will discuss how to manage common lawn pests being insects, weeds, moles, and diseases, and discuss how to establish or thicken a yard. 

These two sessions will be offered at no cost. You can attend the class in person at the Marshall County Extension Office, Room 304 of the Marshall County Building, 112 W. Jefferson Street, Plymouth or participate through a Zoom option.  To register for this program, call the Marshall County Extension Office (574) 935-8545 or e-mail ryoder@purdue.edu.  For the internet option being a Zoom, format contact the Marshall County Extension office for details or register at https://tinyurl.com/4vj4nd2e

The goal of the two sessions is to help citizens better understand how your lawn grows and how through proper maintenance lawn quality improves and maintenance time is reduced.