The Plymouth Lions Club installed a new member at their last meeting.  The Club was honored to have to have Distinct Governor 25-G Marlyn Fast present to Induct Teri Weldy as a new Plymouth Lions Club member.  Lion Teri Weldy was warmly welcomed by all members present.

The District Governor then went on to Congratulate President Ken Lukenbill on his outstanding service. During his tenure he has brought in 18 new members to the club.  President Lukenbill was recently awarded the coveted Melvin Jones Award, the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarianism ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.  The upcoming 25 G District Meeting was put on the calendar, and all were invited to attend.  Kindness in Action is the theme of the District Governor.  “When we serve and give of ourselves in Lionism, we expect nothing in return and yet we gain so much.”  He added the importance of Friendship and Teamwork, the more members you have the more you can do.  He added we do have a lot of goals to achieve, like membership gain, service activities such as Cancer Control, Speech and Hearing, Leader Dog, The Eye Bank, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and more.  If we all work as a team, we can finish strong.

With this we forge ahead!
Several thank you letters were received for Lion’s assistance and the upcoming scholarship search for Plymouth High School seniors will soon be underway.  The Plymouth Lions Club is proud to award scholarships this year and they also contribute to the Noble Kizer Awards for Outstandingly Female and Male Athletes.  We are honored to help each student achieve their goals in higher education.
Lions International President, Douglas X. Alexander is a strong believer in service from the heart.  If you change hearts, you can change minds and change actions.  When that happens we change and we create change. 

As Lions, “We Serve.”  If you or anyone else you know would like to join the Plymouth Lions Club, please contact any Lions Club Member.

Photo: 25G District Governor Marlyn Fast  Lions Club Member Teri Weldy

Provided by Lion Susan Eggleston