Monday evening the Culver Town Council approved a resolution opposing legislation regarding the elimination of Business Personal Property Tax.

Council President Bill Githens read the resolution that said the Indiana legislature has proposed changes to the aspects of Indiana’s business personal property tax as a priority in this session.      

Githens read, “The Culver Town Council opposes all legislation that contemplates eliminating any portion of the personal property tax without permanent FULL replacement guaranteed by the state.”  He continued saying that any revenue replacement must be a source of revenue that continues to grow over time just as a property tax based would. 

The Culver Town Council president explained that personal property tax is a relied upon method for funding local government. As he continued to read the resolution it said, “Indiana consistently ranks in the top states with an attractive business tax climate, yet a community’s quality of life is an increasingly greater influencer of business relocation and growth decisions.” 

The resolution closed with this, “Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Culver Town Council that we oppose all legislation that contemplates eliminating any portion of the business personal property tax without full and permanent replacement guaranteed by the state.”

The resolution passed unanimously by all five members of the Culver Town Council.