Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters told the commissioners Monday there will be a call for rural projects in November. 

This call is an 80/20 match and Peters said he is reviewing a couple of candidate projects using the county’s Comprehensive Bridge Plan.  He said, “Bridge #88 which is on 12th Road east of Olive Trail seems to be the best candidate for the call coming up.” 

Since the Plymouth City Council opted not to move forward with the Veterans Parkway extension, Marshall County has decided to take their local funds and begin working on some smaller local bridge projects. Projects Peters is looking at include Bridge #5 on Tamarack and Bridge #9 on Queen Road where the Requests for Proposals (FRP’s) should be out yet this week. 

Continuing with local projects, Peters said, “On Elm Road north of State Road 6 on the curve there is a small bridge structure that has been on his radar for years to change.”  He said they need to change the skew of the road because the bridge structure is on a 90-degree curve, and it is constantly being struck by vehicles.  Peters said the structure needs to be replaced and United Consulting has put together an engineering report to replace the structure with a cost estimate of $478,473 which would include straightening out the roadway.  The county will have some right-of-way to purchase for the project. 

Peters would also like to do another small structure bridge project on Ule Road north of 1st Road.  He said the structure is on the Comprehensive Bridge Plan for replacement.  The Highway Superintendent will get some cost estimated for this project too.