County News # 1Mike Marshall, the County IT Director appeared before the County Commissioners Monday morning to discuss a non-disclosure agreement with FireEye.    FireEye is a device that will provide Indiana counties with internet traffic monitoring to protect against threats and state data intrusion.  They were hired by the Secretary of State to establish voter confidence in 2020 and beyond.  The contract is for 40 months. Marshall said the device is on line and will cost the county nothing.

The commissioners entered into the agreement with the Indiana Secretary of State and FireEye.

The second agreement Marshall presented was with SuiteOne, a subcontractor with BIS, the company that will install the live streaming of county meetings.  The agreement with SuiteOne is for annual web-hosting at $4,400 and live streaming with 12 months retention for $1,200.

The commissioners agreed to the contract with the understanding that after the first year they can terminate the agreement.  Commissioners Kevin Overmyer said he would like to see if there is a local business that could provide the same services for the following years.