Plymouth Community SchoolsEveryone’s patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated as you have anticipated information relating to our return to school for the 2020-21 school year. At this time, Plymouth Community Schools is planning to return to in-person instruction on August 12 and follow our current school calendar. Additionally, our summer athletic and extracurricular programs have been given clearance to begin participation according to the guidelines developed by state agencies and our local leaders. These activities, with restrictions, will begin on July 6. Further details will be sent by the PHS Athletic Department.
PCSC has been meeting with school and district leaders, collaborating with the Marshall County Health Department and other Marshall County school districts, and speaking with teachers and parents. A copy of a joint letter from all Marshall County Schools and Marshall County health officials and partners is attached.
An important and final part of this process is to provide the opportunity for all parents to provide input. Please feel welcome to participate in this Parent Survey for Plymouth Community School Corporation. This survey provides us feedback regarding eLearning from the previous school year, as well as some questions relating to the reopening of schools for the 2020-21 school year.
PCSC will be sharing the PCSC Plan for Reopening Schools in the very near future. This will include many more details about our return to school and the health and safety measures that will be taken. In the meantime, if you wish to discuss this process further, please feel free to contact the Superintendent’s Office at (574) 936-3115.