Jack Jordan state RepLegislation establishing a much-needed third superior court in Marshall County could soon be law, according to State Rep. Jack Jordan (R-Bremen).

Jordan, who sponsored the bill, said the two current superior court judges have workloads exceeding the state average. He said establishing an additional court would ease their workloads and help the courts process cases more efficiently.

“Our judges in Marshall County do a fantastic job,” Jordan said. “However, they have their hands full with the number of cases coming through. Adding another superior court would provide these individuals some much-needed support and help things move through our court system more quickly and smoothly.”

The most recent data from the Weighted Caseload Measure shows Marshall County has a need for 3.71 judges. Jordan said adding another court would alleviate this need and would more evenly distribute the workload among Marshall County judges.

Senate Enrolled Act 256 is now eligible for action by the governor. Visit iga.in.gov for more information.