Triton JR-SR COLOR Triton-TThe Triton School Board approved a long list of items during their February 10 regular monthly meeting.  Superintendent Jeremy Riffle explained the need for each item that were on the request list.

Some of the terms approved included the extension of fiber between the buildings; a wireless connection with the bus garage; purchase of a scrubber; purchase of a vacuum; the use of a Triton activity bus for a service project on February 22nd by Marshall County Youth Leadership and the elementary reading series adoption.

Additional approval was given for the Triton buses transporting summer camp students for NMC to Ohio in July, 2020 and the summer school program.

Superintendent Riffle said they would be getting some new equipment for both the elementary and high school cafeterias. Riffle noted that the elementary school is now 25 years old. He said, “We want to arm the cafeteria staff with what they need to be successful.”

Approval was also given for the 2020-2021 school year calendar. Riffle said the new calendar is very similar to the current one in use; however, there were adjustments made to allow for eLearning Days.

Carol Anders Correspondent