vape smoke detectorsTriton Jr/Sr High School will be one of several schools in northern Indiana installing vape smoking detectors. Triton purchased 12 detectors. According to Superintendent Jeremy Riffle, a total of 80 detectors were purchased through the Northern Indiana Service Center by schools in both Marshall and Starke Counties. The cost of each unit is $1,200. Riffle said, “We are not going to continue to sit back and see what happens.” The detectors will be installed throughout the building, including rest rooms.

If a vape pen is found, it will be turned over to the security officers who are assigned by the town to the schools. Riffle said violations would be handled per the handbook by the school staff. Students who violate the “No Vape Policy” will have to attend a mandatory court appearance and could be fined $125.

Student Caitlyn Ihnen was at the meeting. She is a member of the Senior Squad at the Jr/Sr High School. After the meeting, she said, “We have talked about ways to help with the opiate crisis and we were in favor of having the new detectors.”


Carol Anders Correspondent