Ounce Of Prevention Check 12-2-19A check presentation was held during the Commissioners meeting on Monday.

Sheriff Matt Hassel and 911 Supervisor Matt Pitney along with dispatcher Alyssa Niles were on hand to present a check to Jenny Houin with Ounce of Prevention.

For the past several years the Sheriff’s Department has participated in a fundraiser for the local breast cancer organization.  Each year the design and sell T-shirts and sweatshirts with the proceeds benefiting Ounce Of Prevention.

Last year they had a goal of $1,000 but only raised $800.  This year Pitney said, “We surpassed our goal and crushed it!”  They raised $1,500 for the cause.

Jennifer Houin thanked the county for their support.

Ounce of Prevention is a local organization whose focus is to increase breast cancer awareness and support systems through fundraising and events.  Co-founded by Jennifer Houin and Jessica Oliver, Ounce of Prevention’s impact is dependent upon the various events throughout the year and the many volunteers who help pull them together.