Plymouth Public Library logo 2-25-19Effective December 1st, Plymouth Public Library (PPL) is now a “fine free” library.  PPL has forgiven overdue fines on patron accounts and eliminated fines for most of the materials in the library’s collection.

“We have talked with other fine free libraries for several months now and looked at the models they have in place.  We really did our research,” said Cindy Clough, Adult Circulation Supervisor. “We examined how to implement a “fine free” library, consulted libraries on their practices, and talked considerably about our reasoning for wanting to provide this for our community.  The positives of having this kind of library in our community will help enrich all of our patrons and allow access to our materials for everyone who has a library card.”

“We hope to see patrons come back and enjoy the library again.  We have so much to offer all ages, but have found that late fees keep people from coming back to the library.  While we still want our materials back to be able to share with others, we are getting rid of the barriers and stigma associated with late fees,” Heather Barron, Library Director.

Patrons will still be responsible for lost and damaged materials.  Those fees will be added to the account and must be paid before borrowing additional materials.  Overdue fines will still apply for wifi Hotspots and some equipment. Patrons and visitors are encouraged to ask PPL staff members any questions they may have pertaining to fines.