OQC 2019Many of our military men and women will be far from home and families this holiday season.  As a way to let them know their service is appreciated and that they are not forgotten, Operation Quiet Comfort sends Christmas stockings filled with goodies to more than 2000 troops.

This annual event requires a number of items to be included in the stockings such as a beef stick and granola bar, hand and toe warmers, assorted seasonal goodies, a pair of white socks, a phone card and specially hand written holiday cards.

Operation Quiet Comfort is currently seeking sponsorships for the stockings.  Sponsorships are $10 and covers the cost of the stocking, goodies inside and the shipping.

Anyone wishing to donate to the troops can send a check to Operation Quiet Comfort at 17671 13th Road Plymouth, IN  46563 and note on the check HOLIDAY.  You can also donate through PayPal on the OQC website at www.operationquietcomfort.org or drop off your donation here at the WTCA Studios during normal business hours.

For more information contact Jan and Ken Houin.