County news # 2On Monday, Marshall County Attorney, Jim Clevenger presented the Marshall County Commissioners with the revised agreement from Elkhart County Commissioners for housing inmates from Marshall County in their facility.

This is a step Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel has been working on for several months to alleviate some of the overcrowding issue at the jail.

The revised agreement submitted did not have a daily rate listed.  Instead there was a line to fill in the blank.  In the original agreement Sheriff Hassel had proposed a daily rate of $40.

The commissioners approved the revised agreement with Elkhart County pending the determination of the daily rate.

During the “What’s Your Opinion” Tuesday on WTCA Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said he spoke to a commissioner in Elkhart County and they were able to confirm the $40 daily rate.

Continuing with the Jail overcrowding issue, Clevenger said bond council, accounting and the architects are working on preliminary figures for a new pod at the jail.  The new pod could be large enough to hold an additional 312 inmates.

RQAW is preparing for a feasibility study that will include a public hearing component near the end of the process.  Clevenger said, “At this point no date for the public hearing has been set.”