Bourbon WelcomeThe Bourbon Town Council is near resolving two of the many concerns they have been trying to resolve over the last several years. During the September 10 meeting of the council, Town Attorney Tony Wagner presented a completed contract that is expected to be signed by the management of Shells Inc. Among other items, the contract stipulates deadlines for the removal of industrial waste from their property.  The Town of Bourbon has had ongoing meetings with Shell representatives to establish a schedule for the waste removal; however, previous agreements were seemingly not carried through. At one point, the large mound of waste was impending access to the town’s water lines.

Responding to questions near the end of the council meeting, Wagner indicated that non-compliance of the proposed contract would be handled by the state agency IDEM.

In other matters, the town was able to receive the deed to property at 804/806 North Main Street. The house on the property had been in disrepair for a number of years and reportedly even had wild animals inhabiting the premises. Wagner said he waiting until the past owners had removed windows before he accepted the deed in court action so as to limit the liability of possible injuries during the demolition process. Once the windows were removed, all of the openings were boarded up.

Bill Keyser, Zoning Department, said he has already received two quotes for the total demolition of the house.  The quote for $68,000 was rejected and the second for $35,000 was accepted. Keyser did not state the names of those submitting quotes. Although the property is commonly referred to as one, it is actually two parcels and will be sold as two parcels.

Carol Anders Correspondent