Triton JR-SR COLOR Triton-TThe Triton School Corporation is gearing up for their Triton Gives Back Day on Friday, September 20th.   They are just two weeks away from this awesome service opportunity for their scholars and staff.

Many in the community have reached out to ask how they can help, so here are some opportunities:

1. Triton T-Shirt Drive – They want to make sure every scholar can show their Trojan PRIDE. Please donate gently used too big or too small Triton shirts to either school building.   B.I.G. Load Laundry of Bourbon has agreed to wash these shirts before re-distributing the shirts.

2. Canned Food Drive – Currently the Jr./Sr. High School is doing a canned food drive. Donate your unwanted or unused food to your child’s Student Learning Communities and they will win an incentive. The SLC are having a competition this week. The food will be taken and donated when some of the Triton scholars go to the Bread of Life Food Pantry on September 20th to serve.

3. Triton Elementary Kindergarten Scholars are currently collecting Pumpkin Puree, and Oats to make treats for the Humane Society. The Bourbon Veterinary Clinic will be on site to teach Kindergarten Scholars and a high school SLC about animal mindfulness, why shelters are important, and how to support them, etc.

4. Bird Feeder Project: The Triton Jr/Sr High School is collecting recyclables for their Bird Feeder Project. Please donate any well cleaned water jugs, milk jugs, orange juice containers, two litter bottles, Hawaiian Punch containers, etc. The fourth grade team and a Jr/Sr. High SLC will also be decorating these recycled bird feeders, so any crafting supplies such as binder twine, yarn, or bird seed would be greatly appreciated.

Triton Superintendent Jeremy Riffle said, “There are so many negative things in the world. This is a great way to highlight our next generation leaders and get them thinking of others over self.”