Triton logoTriton School Superintendent Jeremy Riffle is excited to announce that Triton School Corporation will be putting the Trojan Way into action on September 20th.  Over the last couple of years, there has been a burning desire of Triton staff members and administrators to give back to their community in a tangible way.

Mahatma Gandi was quoted as saying: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”, The Trojan Way if you will, Riffle stated in a news release.

Triton School Corporation thanks the community and county for their support, and now it is their turn to actively show their appreciation.

Students Learning Communities, Grade Levels and Staff Members will all be engaging is some type of service on September 20th. Over the next week you may see or hear of such things as a food drive for local food pantries or a t-shirt drive to make sure every student in our school has a shirt to proudly represent their Trojan PRIDE.

Riffle said, “These are all ways we will not only bless our scholars by giving them a channel to serve, but also help meet the needs of a variety of organizations around our community.”

Projects include but are not limited to: car washes for their maintenance staff, card making, kindness sidewalk chalk/rocks, visiting nursing homes around Marshall and Kosciusko County, a recycled bird feeder project, community and or campus landscape cleanup, donation and service to local food pantries and serving local parks, libraries and daycares.

Superintendent Riffle said, “Please be on the lookout for how you can help us serve others all the while providing our scholars a great opportunity to think of others over self…The Trojan Way!!”