Vietnam Traveling Wall_1On September 11th, Marshall County will be rolling out the red carpet for the AVTT Traveling Vietnam Wall, sponsored by Plymouth American Legion, Post 27.  This traveling tribute to our Veterans, that paid the ultimate price for our freedom, will be on display in downtown Plymouth at River Park Square starting on Thursday, September 12th at 12:00 pm.

This 80% scale replica of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC spans 360 feet and is 8 feet high at its apex.  Listed on the AVTT Traveling Vietnam Wall are the58,282 names of the soldiers lost in Vietnam.  In addition, there will be statistics and a timeline displayed to be viewed by visitors.

Jack Jordan_St. Rep.2017An Opening Ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 pm.  Mayor Mark Senter will welcome everyone to the event.  Cadets from the Culver Academies will be represented by presenting the colors, providing music and sounding Taps.  Rev. Dr. Samuel Boys will provide the invocation and benediction for the evening and the keynote speaker will be District 17 State Representative Jack Jordan.

Friday, September 13that 7:00 pm there will be a ceremony to honor our local Vietnam Veterans.  The keynote speaker will be Brigadier General David Vesper, Deputy Commander of the Indiana National Guard.  The invocation and benediction will be given by Rev. Toni Carmer from the First United Methodist Church in Plymouth.  Music will be provided by the Maxincuckee Singers under the direction of Thomas Boys.

Our local First Responders will be honored in a ceremony on Saturday, September 14 that 7:00 pm.  After a welcome from Mayor Mark Senter, the local Boy Scout Troops will present the colors.  Mr. David Houghton, Vietnam Veteran and former Plymouth EMS Paramedic, will deliver the invocation and benediction.  The Marshall County Church Orchestra and the Drum & Bagpipes group will play the music for the evening.  The keynote speaker will be Vietnam Veteran, Mr. Ren VanGilder.  An Honor Guard comprised of members of the Plymouth American Legion, Plymouth VFW and the DAV will play taps and do a rifle salute.

Vietnam Traveling Wall_2The AVTT Traveling Vietnam Wall will be available for viewing at the conclusion of the Opening Ceremonies on September 12th and then 24 hours a day until its closing on Sunday, September 15th at 3:00 pm.  Volunteers will available to help locate the names of lost Veterans starting at 12:00 pm on Thursday, September 12th until 9:00 pm;Friday, September 13th from 8:00 am until 9:00 pm; Saturday, September 14th from 8:00 am until 9:00 pm and Sunday, September 15th from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm.

The AVTT Traveling Vietnam Wall will be located on the parking lot area of River Park Square so it will be accessible to everyone.  If you need assistance, there will be volunteers available to help you during your visit.  Golf carts will be available to assist visitors, if necessary.

Vietnam Traveling Wall_3Please come out to Honor, Respect, and Remember our lost heroes at this moving tribute to their ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura at the Plymouth Mayor’s Office at 574-936-6717.