Baker Street Bridge_1This week Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters told the commissioners USI will be looking at an issue that has developed on the Baker Street Bridge.

Baker Street Bridge_2Peters said, “The Baker Street Bridge, we continue to have problems with the north sidewalk deck.”  The deck boards are curling up and the bolts are rusting and breaking.  Peters believes it’s a moisture issue but he has asked USI, the company that built the bridge to come and look at the issues this week.

Commissioner Mike Delp asked what type of deck screws were used, general coated deck screws or something special because of the salt used during the winter.  Peters said they have tried several types including zinc and copper.

Baker street Bridge_3Peters said they are not experiencing the same issue on the south side of the bridge.

Delp said he looked at it on Friday and thinks it have to do with the shade.  The south side has quite a bit of shade and the north side is being baked in the direct sunlight.

Baker street Bridge_4Peters said they may also have to focus on the treatment, that the wood is treated on a regular basis just like you do you do your home decks.

Baker Street Bridge_5Superintendent Peters will report the results of the meeting with USI back to the commissioners at their next meeting.