broadband planning grantIn September 2018 Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced that five rural Indiana communities were award Broadband Readiness Planning Grant.  Marshall County was lucky to be one of the recipients.

The $50,000 grant, a part of the Community Development Block Grant program will help develop a plan that will educate, create and identify ways to improve broadband speeds in Marshall County.

County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said, “Marshall County will be a part of a pilot program that will educate and help shape how broadband can be established throughout the entire state.”

The Purdue Center for Regional Development, Data Communications Leader and OCRA are assisting the County with creating a broadband plan so that affordable, adequate and reliable internet is available in Marshall County.

While the plan is still being developed, and Overmyer said it will take some time to accomplish their objectives, there are important steps that need to be taken to accurately assess where the internet is available, it quality and cost.

A survey has been created to gather data that will help the planning committee in moving forward with their efforts.  The survey can be completed in a few minutes online at

Overmyer said, “The more information we have, the better the Marshall County Broadband Committee can proceed in making internet access more reliable, affordable and accessible in Marshall County.”           

The funding for the Community Development Block Grant program comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which is administered by OCRA.