Plymouth Park Board Shuts Down Request for Field Sponsorship Sign on Outfield Fence

June 10, 2019

Plymouth park department logoBurke Richeson, President of Plymouth Junior League Baseball asked the Plymouth Park Board for permission to install a 3 foot by 5 foot sign on the outfield fence for companies that sponsor the various fields: C-league, B-league, T-ball and Pony Field.

He said the companies making the $500 donations to the league are:  Reith Riley, Growing Kids, Re Max Oak Crest Reality and Yoder’s Sports.

Richeson said the signs would only be up from now until the end of their seasons and it would only be one sign at each field.

Mike Kershner, VP of the Park Board said, “We appreciate all those businesses who donate their money and time.”  He said he would prefer them near the entrance or concession stand area.

The park board said they told the high school coach last year no to placing signs on the outfield fence and approving one this year could be setting precedence.

Park Board member Robert Listenberger suggested using the electronic message board at the front of the park to recognize the donors.

Board member Laura Mann motioned to allow one 3 x 5 sign near the concession stand areas and use of the electronic message board with a 5 to 0 vote.