Plymouth Color Logo2014The Plymouth Common Council took steps during Monday evening’s meeting to promote existing businesses and new business inside the city limits.

The Council conducted two public hearing on the Tax Abatement requests of Hoosier Racing Tire and Vigilant Holdings better known as Harrington Noodles.

Earlier this month the city took the first step in the Tax Abatement process by approving resolutions placing both companies in an Economic Revitalization Area (ERA).  Monday evening the council took the second and final step holding a public hearing and passing resolutions declaring the designated property to be within an ERA.

Hoosier Racing Tire will be expanding the two-wheel motocross tire manufacturing with a $3 million capital investment.

Vigilant Holdings, LLC produces Harrington Noodles in German Township and is building a 6,000 square foot building on the city’s northwest side. This family owned business will expand in Plymouth with a $600,000 capital investment in the building, machinery and equipment.

The City Council also approved two resolutions declaring the real estate at 2121 Walter Glaub Drive to be within an Economic Development Area for the first step Tax Abatement process for Culver Tool & Engineering.  They plan to build an expansion on to the office building they purchased in January and move the orthopedic hooks, screws, bone plates and instrumentation in the new space and invest $2.65 million in the project.

CTE has seen an increase of in the last few years.  A year ago they had 145 employees and currently they have 180.  This new project will require at least 10 additional employees.

The second resolution approved was the first step in the Tax Abatement process for Indiana Wheel Company (IWC), the industry which recently purchased the 300,000 square foot Bay Valley warehouse on Van Vactor Drive.

David Saylor, President and CEO of IWC real estate as well as the operating company Indiana Wheel Company.  The total capital investment in the Plymouth project is $16 million with an ability in this phase to manufacture 2.4 million steel wheels annually.  By the end of 2020 they will hire 117 hourly and semi-skilled workers and 16 office and management positions.

In closing Saylor said, “Thank you Plymouth for being in the right place with steel and talent, supporting businesses and being near so many of our customers for RV and trailer wheels.”   He said they will only use about a quarter of the building in the first phase of this manufacturing project.