Plymouth Community SchoolsPlymouth School administrators continue to look for ways to use their funding most efficiently. Superintendent Andy Hartley informed the school board members at their June meeting that six open teaching staff positions would not be filled for the 2019-2020 school year. He explained that the openings were due to attrition, meaning employees retire or leave for other reasons. Four of the open positions are at Plymouth High School, one at Riverside Intermediate and one at the elementary level.

Hartley indicated that declining enrollment was a factor in not hiring for the positions. After the meeting, Hartley said there could be an increase in some classes sizes, but that any increase would be minimal.

School funding from the State of Indiana is primarily based on enrollment. School corporations are required to confirm their enrollment on the second Friday in September and again on the first Friday in February. Funding contributions are then based on a per student basis. There are additional funding considerations for special education students and those enrolled in vocational classes.

Board President Todd Samuelson clarified that the positions in question are not being eliminated, but rather not being filled at this time.

Carol Anders Correspondent