505 North Walnut Street PlymouthThe Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals had a number of cases to consider during their meeting Monday evening.  Craig Cultice from Tripod Investments requested a Variance of Use to permit a single family home at 505 North Walnut Street, the former site of Plymouth Land Survey.

The building had initially been used as a single family home and when Plymouth Land Survey moved their business in the zoning was changed to downtown commercial.  Cultice said he has someone interested in the property but they want to use it as a home again and he needs a variance.

The variance was unanimously approved.

414 West LaPorte Street PlymouthRamon Moran was granted a Special Use Variance to permit a duplex at 414 West LaPorte Street, the former site of Brother’s Nightclub.  The Plymouth BZA also granted him a Variance of Development Standard to reduce the front yard setback from 20 feet to 5 feet and the rear yard setback from 15 feed to 5 feet due to the unusual shape of the lot.

309 West Jefferson Street PlymouthThe fourth variance was requested by Mike Umbaugh for 309 West Jefferson Street, the former Cake Walk building.  Very similar to the Cultice request, Umbaugh purchased the property in September of 2017 and updated it.  He’s had the property listed for a year and now has a party interested in the building as a single family home or a duplex. The issue is the property is zoned Downtown Commercial so a Variance of Use must be granted.

The Plymouth BZA unanimously approved the variance.

The final request for a variance was from Wade Burger of CTE Solutions at 2121 Walter Glaub Drive, the former Aker Plastics/Auto Park Corporate offices.  Burger said they are remodeling the building for corporate offices and manufacturing and will also be building a 20,000 square foot manufacturing facility to the east of the current building.  The addition is needed because of demands of the company to manufacture more orthopedic implants and instruments.  With the additional manufacture facility additional parking is needed.  The Variance of Development Standard is to create a parking lot within four feet of the southern property line.

The Board of Zoning Appeals also approved this request.