County Highway road reclamationThe Marshall County Highway Department will start the road reclaiming process over the next few weeks.

Highway Superintendent Jason Peters said the roads that will be ground include:
1C Road from Union to Thorn
Thorn Road from the County Line to U.S. 6
4B Road from Plymouth LaPorte Trail to Underwood Road
5TH Road from Plymouth LaPorte Trail to Union Road
Pine Road from U.S. 6 to 3 Road
Pine Road north of 13th Road and
15B Road from Fir Road to Elm Road

Peters asks motorists to try and avoid construction areas as much as possible.  Road closure signs will be posted.

The roads that are reclaimed this spring will be resurfaced with double chip and seal.  That process will start around mid June.

One road that was scheduled for reclaiming will not happen.  During Monday’s commissioner meeting Commissioner Mike Delp said he had personally spoken with the four residents who live on Lilac Road between 14C and State Road 10.  He said each one was against having the road ground and left as a gravel road.  He said they were willing to leave the road in its current condition than having it changed into a gravel road.  The other commissioners said they would leave it alone and continue to watch its condition.