Centennial Park_front gateEarlier this month the Plymouth Park Board opened quotes for a field groomer, power rake, mower and power leaf sweeper.

There were three quotes received for the 3-wheel field groomer.  JW Turk of Elgin, IL quoted $11,682 with the trade in of the old field groomer.  Erb Turf & Equipment from Belleville, IL sent a quote of $12,713 and Reynolds Golf Turn of Fishers, IN quoted $13,013 for the equipment.

Park Superintendent Mike Hite asked to be able to review the quotes and move forward with the least and most responsive quote.

Park Board President Dave Morrow asked it the equipment was in the budget and Hite confirmed that.

Two quotes were received for the power rake.  Riggs Outdoor Equipment in Mishawaka quoted $7,380 while Hoosier Equipment quoted $8,679.  Hite said he had some trouble locating companies that had the power rake that would match up with the 3-point hitch on the park’s tractor.

Hite said the third quote was for a John Deere mower.  He told members of the park board he needed to purchase a John Deer so the attachments he has will work on the new mower.  The park has a broom, snow blade and snow blower attachments that only fit on a John Deere.  He presented a quote from the Plymouth John Deere dealer.  The quote was $23,150 with a $9,000 trade-in.

The final quote opened was a power leaf sweeper. The bid from Schnell Industries in Illinois was $8,267.84.  Hite said they pick up lots of leaves in the parks and the old one died.  He said while the company is in Illinois the quote was a great price.  The other quotes were $12,000 to $13,000 way over the budgeted amount.

The Park Board allowed Superintendent Hite to review the quotes, make sure they meet specification and negotiate the trades as long as he stays within the budget.