Miller's_Project Kindness April Shirley 2019“In a world where you can be anything…be kind!”  Such is the motto for the Project Kindness group from Marshall County.  This group of young people ages 4-18 visited with the residents at Miller’s Assisted Living recently.

Miller's_Project Kindness April Patty and little girls 2019They fixed and served root beer floats and also put together Easter baskets for children at the Memorial Hospital.  Project Kindness leader Sarrah Davis stressed that the children involved strive to show kindness to people wherever they go.

Miller's_Project Kindness April Virginia Brown 2019 The afternoon ended on a happy note as the younger children took part in an indoor Easter egg hunt while the residents watched!

Photo Captions:

  1. Piper of Project Kindness passed out a root beer float and a hug to Shirley Morrow.
  2. Cousins Evie and Piper serve Patty Miller with kindness.
  3. Harlow Davis of Project Kindness poses with Virginia Brown.